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As Três Marias: Um Romance Feminino de Rachel de Queiroz (PDF)


As Três Marias: A Classic Novel by Rachel de Queiroz


As Três Marias (The Three Marias) is a classic novel by Rachel de Queiroz, one of the most prominent Brazilian writers of the 20th century. Published in 1939, the novel tells the story of three friends, Maria Augusta (Guta), Maria da Glória, and Maria José (Zezé), from their childhood in a convent school in Fortaleza to their adulthood in different parts of Brazil. Through their perspectives, the novel explores various themes such as friendship, love, marriage, motherhood, education, religion, sexuality, work, and social class. The novel also portrays the realities and challenges of being a woman in Brazil in the 1930s and 1940s, a period marked by political turmoil, economic crisis, social inequality, and cultural change.

Rachel de Queiroz was born in 1910 in Fortaleza, Ceará, a state in the Northeast region of Brazil. She started her literary career at a young age, publishing her first novel, O Quinze (The Fifteen), in 1930. She was also a journalist, a playwright, a translator, a teacher, and an activist. She was one of the founders of the Brazilian Communist Party and participated in several social movements. She was also the first woman to be elected to the Brazilian Academy of Letters in 1977. She died in 2003 in Rio de Janeiro.

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In this article, I will argue that As Três Marias is an important and relevant novel for today's readers because it offers a rich and nuanced portrait of women's lives in Brazil during a crucial historical moment. It also challenges the stereotypes and prejudices that often surround Brazilian women and their culture. Moreover, it inspires readers to reflect on their own choices and values regarding freedom, happiness, and identity.

The Three Friends and Their Different Paths

Maria Augusta (Guta): the narrator and the rebel

The novel is narrated by Maria Augusta (Guta), who is also one of the main protagonists. Guta is a curious, intelligent, adventurous, and independent girl who dreams of seeing the world and having a different life from her conservative family. She is not satisfied with the traditional roles assigned to women in her society, such as being a wife, a mother, or a nun. She wants to have a career, to travel, to learn new things, to express herself freely. She is also interested in politics and social issues.

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The three Marias by Rachel de Queiroz

As Três Marias por Rachel De Queiroz

As Três Marias (pdf) por Rachel De Queiroz Orelha de Livro

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As Três Marias (livro usado) por Rachel De Queiroz Mercado Livre

As Três Marias (livro novo) por Rachel De Queiroz Livraria da Travessa

As Três Marias (livro antigo) por Rachel De Queiroz Sebo do Messias

As Três Marias (livro raro) por Rachel De Queiroz Estante do Livreiro

As Três Marias (livro ilustrado) por Rachel De Queiroz Livraria da Folha

As Três Marias (livro adaptado) por Rachel De Queiroz Editora Moderna

As Três Marias (livro comentado) por Rachel De Queiroz Editora Ática

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As Três Marias (livro avaliado) por Rachel De Queiroz Goodreads

As Três Marias (livro premiado) por Rachel De Queiroz Prêmio Machado de Assis 1958

Guta's rebellious spirit often leads her to question authority and to break rules. She does not conform to the strict discipline of the convent school or to the moral codes of her religion. She also defies her family and society's expectations of her. She falls in love with a married man, Pedro, who is a journalist and a communist. She decides to leave her hometown and follow him to Rio de Janeiro, where she hopes to find more freedom and opportunities. However, she soon realizes that her relationship with Pedro is not as ideal as she imagined. He is often absent, busy, or unfaithful. He also does not share her enthusiasm for his political cause. Guta feels lonely, frustrated, and betrayed. She decides to end the affair and to pursue her own goals. She becomes a successful writer and travels around the world.

Maria da Glória: the devoted mother and wife

Maria da Glória is the opposite of Guta. She is a quiet, obedient, gentle, and religious girl who accepts the role of being a good wife and mother without questioning it. She believes that marriage and family are the sources of happiness and fulfillment for women. She does not have any ambitions or interests outside her domestic sphere. She is content with her simple and routine life.

Maria da Glória marries a wealthy and respectable man, Raul, who is much older than her. He treats her well, but he is also distant and authoritarian. He does not allow her to have any friends or hobbies. He controls everything she does and says. He also expects her to bear him many children, even though she suffers from health problems. Maria da Glória obeys him without complaint. She dedicates herself entirely to her husband and her children. She sacrifices her own happiness and well-being for them.

Maria José (Zezé): the religious and lonely teacher

Maria José (Zezé) is a shy, timid, sensitive, and studious girl who loves reading and learning. She has a strong faith in God and wants to become a nun. She thinks that the convent is the best place for her, where she can be close to God and away from the troubles of the world. She does not care about love or marriage. She does not trust men or herself.

However, her plans change when she meets a young priest, Padre Assunção, who becomes her spiritual guide and confessor. Zezé develops a secret crush on him, which makes her feel guilty and confused. She realizes that she cannot be a nun anymore, but she also cannot confess her feelings to him. She decides to leave the convent and become a teacher in a small town in the countryside. There, she lives a lonely and isolated life. She does not make any friends or have any fun. She devotes herself to her work and her religion. She also writes letters to Padre Assunção, hoping that he will reply.

How their friendship evolves over time and reflects their choices

The three Marias meet at the convent school when they are nine years old. They become inseparable friends, sharing their secrets, dreams, fears, and joys. They also support each other through their difficulties and challenges. They promise to always stay in touch and to never forget each other.

However, as they grow up and follow different paths in life, their friendship changes as well. They lose contact for many years, until they reunite at Guta's wedding in Rio de Janeiro when they are thirty years old. They are happy to see each other again, but they also feel the distance and the differences between them. They realize that they have grown apart and that they have little in common anymore.

The novel ends with Guta writing a letter to Zezé, telling her about her life after the wedding. She says that she is happy with her new husband, Paulo, who is also a writer and a traveler. She says that she has finally found freedom and happiness in her own terms. She also asks Zezé about her life and hopes that she is happy too. The Many Women and Their Struggles

The role of women in Brazilian society in the 1930s and 1940s

The novel As Três Marias reflects the role of women in Brazilian society in the 1930s and 1940s, a time of great social and cultural transformations. Brazil was undergoing a process of modernization and industrialization, which brought new opportunities and challenges for the country and its people. The novel shows how these changes affected the lives of women, who had to deal with the contradictions and conflicts between tradition and modernity, between patriarchy and feminism, between domesticity and public sphere.

Women in Brazil at that time were expected to follow the norms and values of a conservative and Catholic society, which valued family, marriage, motherhood, and obedience as the main roles and duties of women. Women were supposed to be submissive, virtuous, modest, and faithful to their husbands and fathers. They were not supposed to have any education, career, or political participation. They were not supposed to have any sexual or personal freedom. They were not supposed to have any voice or agency.

However, some women started to challenge these expectations and to demand more rights and opportunities for themselves. They wanted to have access to education, work, culture, and politics. They wanted to have more autonomy and independence over their bodies, their sexuality, their choices, and their destiny. They wanted to have more equality and respect in society. They wanted to have more freedom and happiness.

The examples of other female characters in the novel and their stories

The novel As Três Marias presents many examples of other female characters who represent different aspects of women's struggles in Brazil in the 1930s and 1940s. Some of these characters are:

- Madre Alix: She is the headmistress of the convent school where the three Marias study. She is a strict and authoritarian woman who imposes her rules and discipline on the students. She represents the oppressive and repressive role of religion in women's lives.

- Madre Inês: She is a young and beautiful nun who teaches music at the convent school. She is kind and gentle with the students, especially with Zezé. She represents the idealized and romanticized role of nuns as pure and saintly women.

- Dona Laura: She is Guta's mother. She is a wealthy and elegant woman who belongs to the high society of Fortaleza. She is proud of her family name and status. She is also cold and distant with her daughter. She represents the superficial and hypocritical role of women as social symbols.

- Dona Benvinda: She is Guta's grandmother. She is a poor and humble woman who lives in a small house in the countryside. She is warm and affectionate with her granddaughter. She represents the simple and authentic role of women as nurturing figures.

- Lúcia: She is Pedro's wife. She is a young and beautiful woman who suffers from tuberculosis. She is unaware of her husband's affair with Guta. She represents the tragic and victimized role of women as betrayed wives.

- Helena: She is Pedro's lover after Guta. She is a rich and sophisticated woman who lives in Rio de Janeiro. She is also a communist activist who supports Pedro's cause. She represents the modern and emancipated role of women as careerists and militants. How the novel exposes the oppression, discrimination, and violence against women

The novel As Três Marias exposes the oppression, discrimination, and violence that women face in Brazil in the 1930s and 1940s. The novel shows how women are treated as inferior, dependent, and disposable by men and society. The novel also shows how women suffer from physical, psychological, and sexual abuse by their husbands, fathers, brothers, teachers, priests, and strangers. Some examples of these situations are:

- Guta: She is raped by her uncle when she is a child. She is also harassed by her teacher at the convent school. She is rejected by her family when she leaves with Pedro. She is cheated on by Pedro with other women. She is also threatened by Pedro's political enemies.

- Maria da Glória: She is forced to marry Raul by her father. She is also forced to have many children by Raul, even though it endangers her health. She is isolated and controlled by Raul in their home. She is also ignored and neglected by Raul in their marriage.

- Zezé: She is molested by her brother when she is a teenager. She is also humiliated by her father for wanting to be a nun. She is tormented by her feelings for Padre Assunção, who does not reciprocate them. She is also lonely and unhappy in her teaching job.

How the novel also celebrates the resilience, courage, and creativity of women

The novel As Três Marias also celebrates the resilience, courage, and creativity of women in Brazil in the 1930s and 1940s. The novel shows how women are able to overcome their difficulties and challenges with their strength, intelligence, and talent. The novel also shows how women are able to express themselves and their identities through their words, actions, and art. Some examples of these achievements are:

- Guta: She is able to escape from her abusive uncle and from her oppressive family. She is also able to end her unhappy relationship with Pedro and to pursue her own goals. She becomes a successful writer and travels around the world.

- Maria da Glória: She is able to survive her risky pregnancies and to raise her children with love and care. She is also able to find some joy and peace in her simple and routine life. She becomes a devoted mother and wife.

- Zezé: She is able to leave the convent and to become a teacher in a small town. She is also able to cope with her loneliness and isolation with her faith and her books. She becomes a religious and lonely teacher. The Quest for Freedom and Happiness

The meaning of freedom for the three Marias and their different ways of pursuing it

The novel As Três Marias explores the meaning of freedom for the three friends and their different ways of pursuing it. The novel shows how freedom is not only a political or social concept, but also a personal and existential one. The novel also shows how freedom is not a fixed or universal idea, but a relative and subjective one. The novel also shows how freedom is not a simple or easy goal, but a complex and difficult one.

For Guta, freedom means being able to choose her own path in life, without being constrained by family, society, or religion. She wants to have the freedom to love, to work, to learn, to travel, to express herself. She wants to have the freedom to be herself. She pursues her freedom by leaving her hometown and following her lover to Rio de Janeiro. She also pursues her freedom by becoming a writer and traveling around the world.

For Maria da Glória, freedom means being able to fulfill her role as a wife and mother, without being disturbed by the troubles of the world. She wants to have the freedom to care for her husband and her children. She wants to have the freedom to be happy. She pursues her freedom by marrying a wealthy and respectable man who provides for her and protects her. She also pursues her freedom by dedicating herself entirely to her family and home.

For Zezé, freedom means being able to serve God and follow his will, without being tempted by the sins of the flesh. She wants to have the freedom to pray, to read, to teach. She wants to have the freedom to be holy. She pursues her freedom by leaving the convent and becoming a teacher in a small town. She also pursues her freedom by devoting herself to her religion and writing letters to Padre Assunção.

The obstacles and challenges that they face in their search for happiness

The novel As Três Marias also explores the obstacles and challenges that the three friends face in their search for happiness. The novel shows how happiness is not only a matter of having or doing what one wants, but also of being or feeling what one needs. The novel also shows how happiness is not only a result of external circumstances, but also of internal attitudes. The novel also shows how happiness is not only a state of mind, but also a state of heart.

Guta faces many obstacles and challenges in her search for happiness. She has to deal with the opposition and rejection of her family and society. She has to deal with the disappointment and betrayal of her lover. She has to deal with the loneliness and frustration of her life in Rio de Janeiro. She has to deal with the danger and uncertainty of her political involvement. She has to deal with the emptiness and dissatisfaction of her success as a writer.

Maria da Glória faces many obstacles and challenges in her search for happiness. She has to deal with the pressure and expectation of her father and husband. She has to deal with the pain and risk of her pregnancies and childbirths. She has to deal with the isolation and control of her life in their home. She has to deal with the ignorance and neglect of her husband in their marriage. She has to deal with the boredom and monotony of her daily routine.

Zezé faces many obstacles and challenges in her search for happiness. She has to deal with the abuse and humiliation of her brother and father. She has to deal with the guilt and confusion of her feelings for Padre Assunção. She has to deal with the loneliness and isolation of her life in the small town. She has to deal with the difficulty and responsibility of her work as a teacher. She has to deal with the silence and indifference of Padre Assunção in their correspondence. How the novel criticizes the social norms and expectations that limit women's lives

The novel As Três Marias criticizes the social norms and expectations that limit women's lives in Brazil in the 1930s and 1940s. The novel shows how these norms and expectations are imposed by a patriarchal and hierarchical society, which values men over women, rich over poor, white over black, urban over rural, modern over traditional. The novel shows how these norms and expectations are reinforced by various institutions and agents, such as family, religion, education, media, law, and politics. The novel shows how these norms and expectations are internalized by many women themselves, who accept them as natural and inevitable.

The novel criticizes these norms and expectations by exposing their negative and harmful effects on women's lives. The novel shows how these norms and expectations restrict women's choices and opportunities, deprive women of their rights and dignity, oppress women's bodies and sexuality, silence women's voices and expressions, and prevent women from achieving their full potential and happiness.

How the novel also offers hope and inspiration for women who want to break free from conventions

The novel As Três Marias also offers hope and inspiration for women who want to break free from conventions in Brazil in the 1930s and 1940s. The novel shows how some women are able to resist and challenge the social norms and expectations that limit their lives. The novel shows how some women are able to create and pursue their own paths in life, according to their own values and desires. The novel shows how some women are able to express themselves and their identities through their words, actions, and art.

The novel offers hope and inspiration for these women by celebrating their achievements and contributions to society. The novel shows how these women are able to overcome their difficulties and challenges with their strength, intelligence, and talent. The novel shows how these women are able to find happiness and fulfillment in their own terms. The novel shows how these women are able to inspire other women to follow their example.


In conclusion, As Três Marias is an important and relevant novel for today's readers because it offers a rich and nuanced portrait of women's lives in Brazil during a crucial historical moment. It also challenges the stereotypes and prejudices that often surround Brazilian women and their culture. Moreover, it inspires readers to reflect on their own choices and values regarding freedom, happiness, and identity.

The novel tells the story of three friends, Maria Augusta (Guta), Maria da Glória, and Maria José (Zezé), from their childhood in a convent school in Fortaleza to their adulthood in different parts of Brazil. Through their perspectives, the novel explores various themes such as friendship, love, marriage, motherhood, education, religion, sexuality, work, and social class. The novel also portrays the realities and challenges of being a woman in Brazil in the 1930s and 1940s, a period marked by political turmoil, economic crisis, social inequality, and cultural change.

The novel also presents many examples of other female characters who represent different aspects of women's struggles in Brazil at that time. The novel exposes the oppression, discrimination, and violence that women face in a patriarchal and hierarchical society. The novel also celebrates the resilience, courage, and creativity of women who resist and challenge the social norms and expectations that limit their lives.

The novel also explores the meaning of freedom for the three friends and their different ways of pursuing it. The novel shows how freedom is not a fixed or universal idea, but a relative and subjective one. The novel also shows how freedom is not a simple or easy goal, but a complex and difficult one. The novel also shows how freedom is not only a political or social concept, but also a personal and existential one. The novel also explores the obstacles and challenges that the three friends face in their search for happiness. The novel shows how happiness is not only a matter of having or doing what one wants, but also of being or feeling what one needs. The novel also shows how happiness is not only a result of external circumstances, but also of internal attitudes. The novel also shows how happiness is not only a state of mind, but also a state of heart. The novel criticizes the social norms and expectations that limit women's lives in Brazil in the 1930s and 1940s. The novel shows how these norms and expectations are imposed by a patriarchal and hierarchical society, which values men over women, rich over poor, white over black, urban over rural, modern over traditional. The novel shows how these norms and expectations are reinforced by various institutions and agents, such as family, religion, education, media, law, and politics. The novel shows how these norms and expectations are internalized by many women themselves, who accept them as natural and inevitable. The novel also offers hope and inspiration for women who want to break free from conventions in Brazil in the 1930s and 1940s. The novel shows how some women are able to resist and challenge the social norms and expectations that limit their lives. The novel shows how some women are able to create and pursue their own paths in life, according to their own values and desires. The novel shows how some women are able to express themselves and their identities through their words, actions, and art. The novel As Três Marias is a classic novel by Rachel de Queiroz, one of the most prominent Brazilian writers of the 20th century. It is an important and relevant novel for today's readers because it offers a rich and nuanced portrait of women's lives in Brazil during a crucial historical moment. It also challenges the stereotypes and prejudices that often surround Brazilian women and their culture. Moreover, it inspires readers to reflect on their own choices and values regarding freedom, happiness, and identity. FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about the novel As Três Marias:

- Q: Where can I download the novel As Três Marias?

- A: You can download the novel As Três Marias from various online platforms, such as Amazon Kindle, Google Play Books, or Kobo. You can also find the PDF version of the novel on some websites, such as Le Livros or Estante Virtual. However, you should always check the legality and quality of these sources before downloading.

- Q: What are some other novels by Rachel de Queiroz?

- A: Rachel de Queiroz wrote several novels throughout her career, such as O Quinze (The Fifteen), João Miguel (John Michael), Caminho de Pedras (Path of Stones), O Galo de Ouro (The Golden Rooster), Dôra Doralina (Dora Doralina), Memorial de Maria Moura (Memorial of Maria Moura), and As Meninas (The Girls). She also wrote short stories, plays, essays, memoirs, and translations.

- Q: What are some other Brazilian novels that deal with women's issues?

- A: There are many Brazilian novels that deal with women's issues from different perspectives and periods. Some examples are A Escrava Isaura (The Slave Isaura) by Bernardo Guimarães, A Moreninha (The Brunette) by Joaquim Manuel de Macedo, Senhora (Lady) by José de Alencar, Dom Casmurro (Lord Casmurro) by Machado de Assis, Gabriela Cravo e Canela (Gabriela Clove and Cinnamon) by Jorge Amado, A Hora da Estrela (The Hour of the Star) by Clarice Lispector, Ciranda de Pedra (Stone Circle) by Lygia Fagundes Telles, and A Paixão Segundo G.H. (The Passion According to G.H.) by Clarice Lispector.

- Q: What are some of the literary techniques and devices used by Rachel de Queiroz in As Três Marias?

- A: Rachel de Queiroz uses various literary techniques and devices in As Três Marias, such as:

- First-person narration: The novel is narrated by Guta, who tells her own story and the stories of her friends. This technique allows the reader to access Guta's thoughts, feelings, opinions, and memories. It also creates a sense of intimacy and authenticity between the narrator and the reader.

- Flashbacks: The novel alternates between the present and the past, using flashbacks to reveal the events and experiences that shaped the lives of the three friends. This technique allows the reader to understand the causes and effects of their choices and actions. It also creates a sense of contrast and comparison between different times and places.

- Symbolism: The novel uses various symbols to convey deeper meanings and messages. Some examples are:

- The three Marias: They symbolize the diversity and complexity of women's identities and roles in Brazil.

- The convent school: It symbolizes the oppressive and repressive environment that women face in a patriarchal and religious society.

- The letters: They symbolize the communication and connection between the friends, as well as their expression and creativity.

- The sun: It symbolizes the freedom and happiness that the friends seek in their lives.

- Q: What are some of the main themes and messages of As Três Marias?

- A: Some of the main themes and messages of As Três Marias are:

- Friendship: The novel shows the importance and value of friendship for women, especially in a society that does not respect or support them. The novel shows how friendship can provide comfort, solidarity, joy, and growth for women. The novel also shows how friendship can change over time and distance, but also endure and survive.

- Women's rights: The novel shows the struggles and achievements of women in Brazil in the 1930s and 1940s, who fought for their rights and opportunities in various fields. The novel shows how women challenged the social norms and expectations that limited their lives. The novel also shows how women contributed to the development and transformation of their country and culture.

- Freedom: The novel shows the different meanings and ways of freedom for women, who had to deal with various constraints and challenges in their lives. The novel shows how freedom is not a given or a granted right, but a desired and pursued goal. The novel also shows how freedom is not a single or a simple concept, but a multiple and a complex one.

- Happiness: The novel shows the different sources and paths of happiness for women, who had to cope with various difficulties and problems in their lives. The novel shows how happiness is not a matter of having or doing what one wants, but also of being or feeling what one needs. The novel also shows how happiness is not a result of external circumstances, but also of internal attitudes.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article about As Três Marias by Rachel de Queiroz. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them with me. Thank you for your attention. 44f88ac181

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